I always used to wake up in early morning for blogging stuffs. But today (8th October) I slept deeply and a phone call woke me up. It was the call from Ramesh (school friend) and he stunned me with a bad news. Believe me it was really horrible news. He informed me that our school friend ‘Hari’ has passed away. Immediately we all rushed to his house and saw our friend lying in the freezer box. This stopped my heart beat for couple of seconds. I still can’t believe that he is no more now. He is such a good character to be with. It is very rare to see a polite, quiet and lovely individual like my Hari. Report said he died because of pancreas disorder. We all stayed there for whole day and we gave a nice send off party to our friend.
Hari, you are still living in our heart da. There is no end to you. But still it is too early to bid farewell from us. Anyway Hari thanks for all the enjoyable moment and memories that shared with me yar. We will never forget you. Rest in peace.
Here is the community for this wonderful human being. Just join in this community and show our love to him.